Thank You!

This project would not have been possible without the generous donation of money and labor from many people.


Together, these people spent more than 300 hours helping to put together this garden:

Alex Swanson
Aidan Halderman
Andrew Mestas
Braden Hinz
Christian Lising
Collin Hinz
Cooper Cuya
Darren Wu
Dennis Cuya
Ethan DeLosRios
Gabriel Mestas
Gavin Corbett
Grant Elsenpeter
Ian Remley
Jarred Gonzalez
Jim Remley
Joshua Pai
Justin Rivera
Kate Lising
Kim Lising
Lehi Rosas
Lucas Kame
Luke Girgis
Mari Remley
Matthew DiMario
Matthew Remley
Michael Rivera
Mikal Quezada
Mitchell DiMario
Nick Lising
Noah Girgis
Pablo DeLosRios
Patty DiMario
Preston Giang
Steve Swanson
Tona Cornelius
Trent Elsenpeter
Westley Giang
William Johnson
Zander Ramirez

The following companies offered substantial discounts to help lower the cost:

Greenland Nursery
La Habra Home Depot
PTI Sand & Gravel Inc
Southwest Boulder & Stone
Sunny Slope Trees

Financial Donations

The generous help from these people made this transformation possible:

Alan Tsuyuki
Andrea Funk
Ben Chiu
Betty Bonata
Brandi McNaughton
Brooke Carlton
Carolyn Remley
Carrey Nelson
Catherine & James Lee
Chris Muench
Christian Lising
Courtney Ross
Curley Family Trust
Debby Narmi
Diego Wheeler
Elizabeth Carlton
Emmari Pureza
Gilbert Rivera
Halderman Family
Heidi Worrell
Hiram Rivera
J Hector Vargas
Jennifer Sunderland
Jim Root
John Koos
Julia Mahon
Julie Lugaro
Karen Aleksic
Katie Rossetti
Lena Glasgow
Leslie Wrona
Lopez Family
Margaret Barker
Mary Rivera
Michael Glasgow
Michael Rivera
Nick Toller
Patricia Torba
Phil Vasquez
Rachel Hickenbottom
Ramon Girgis
Rozanna Elsenpeter
Stephanie Petris
Steve Corona
Steve Swanson
Steven Greco
Suzanne Glidewell
TJ Thibert
Vero and Gerado Mata
William Johnson
Yolanda Gellis